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Lincoln’s Tomb

Lincoln’s Tomb in Springfield, Illinois, is a fitting tribute to one of the most popular presidents of the United States. The tomb is in Oak Ridge Cemetery and holds the bodies of President Abraham Lincoln, his wife Mary Todd Lincoln, and three of their four sons. Richard Oglesby, the governor of Illinois, and Charles H. Deneen, a senator, are also buried in the tomb.

The architect Larkin G. Mead Jr. made plans for the tomb, which was built between 1869 and 1874. It is a big and impressive building that is 117 feet long, 46 feet wide, and 70 feet high. The outside is made of granite from Massachusetts, and the inside is made of marble from Colorado, Tennessee, and Vermont.

People enter the tomb through a big bronze door with a relief of the Emancipation Proclamation. In the main room of the tomb, there is a sarcophagus made of black marble that holds the remains of Abraham Lincoln. Above the sarcophagus is a bronze bust of the president, and on either side are marble statues of Lincoln as a child and as president.

“Now he belongs to the ages” is written above the tomb’s entrance, which is one of the most interesting things about it. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton said these words to Lincoln as he lay on his deathbed in 1865. Since then, they have become a well-known quote and a powerful way to remember Lincoln’s lasting legacy.

In 2015, the tomb was restored in a big way. The roof, the outside walls, and the marble inside were all fixed. As part of the restoration, new lighting and a better ventilation system were added to help protect the delicate interior.

The tomb has several smaller rooms and hallways in addition to the main chamber. In the catafalque room, there is a copy of the catafalque that was used at Lincoln’s funeral in 1865. When Lincoln died, there were 36 states in the Union. Their names are all in the hall of names. A mural in the hall shows scenes from Lincoln’s life and time as president.

The underground burial chamber, which can be reached by a spiral staircase, is also open to visitors to the tomb. Mary Todd Lincoln, Lincoln’s wife, and three of their sons, Edward, William, and Thomas, are all buried in the same room (“Tad”). The chamber is plain and simple, with just a few small markers to show where the graves are.

One of the most interesting things about the tomb is that it has a guardian who has been there since 1877. People think that the job of guardian is one of the oldest federal law enforcement jobs in the U.S. The guardian’s job is to keep the tomb in good shape and keep an eye on it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Thomas Schwartz is the guardian now. He has been in charge since 1985.

The tomb is open to the public all year, and people are welcome to look around both inside and outside of the building. Nearby, there is also a visitor center with displays about Lincoln’s life and time in office. The visitor center is a great place to learn more about Lincoln’s legacy and the effects he had on the United States and the rest of the world.

Overall, anyone who is interested in American history or the life of Abraham Lincoln should go to Lincoln’s Tomb. The tomb is a powerful reminder of Lincoln’s lasting legacy and the effect he had on the United States and the world. Lincoln’s Tomb is a great place to visit if you are interested in history or just want to go somewhere different and interesting.

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