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Illinois Executive Mansion

The official home of the Governor of Illinois is the Illinois Executive Mansion, which is in Springfield, Illinois. The mansion, which was built in 1855, is a historic site and has been important in the history of the state.

The mansion was built for William Butler, who was the Illinois State Treasurer. In 1855, it was sold to Governor Joel Matteson for $37,500. It was then fixed up and made bigger until it was 16,000 square feet. The mansion is a mix of Greek Revival and Italianate styles. It has tall columns, a grand entrance, and a unique cupola.

Many governors and their families have lived there over the years. It has also been the site of many events and visits by important people, including President Abraham Lincoln when he was in Springfield. The mansion has also been the scene of important events in Illinois history, like the signing of the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery in the United States.

The house was put on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. The mansion is now a museum that shows the history and art of the state. It is open to the public. People can take guided tours of the mansion and learn about its history and how it has affected politics and culture in Illinois.

Inside the mansion, there is beautiful woodwork, fancy plasterwork, and detailed wallpaper. The rooms are filled with old furniture, paintings, and other pieces of history. There is also a library, a music room, and a formal dining room in the mansion.

The Lincoln Bedroom, where President Abraham Lincoln slept when he came to Springfield, is one of the most important rooms in the house. The room is filled with furniture from the time of Lincoln and has a copy of the bed he slept in while he was there.

The Governor’s Library is another important room. It has a collection of books and artifacts about Illinois history. A mural in the library was made by the Chicago artist Louis Grell. It shows the history of the state from the time of the Native Americans to the present day.

The grounds of the house are also worth seeing. The property has beautiful gardens and landscaping and is spread out over four acres. A formal rose garden, a vegetable garden, and a shade garden are all part of the gardens. The carriage house is also part of the mansion. It has been turned into a visitor center and gift shop.

In recent years, the mansion has gone through a lot of work to bring it back to its former glory. During the renovations, which were finished in 2018, the mansion’s mechanical systems were updated and the outside and inside were fixed. The renovation also included adding a new entrance and features that make the mansion easier for people with disabilities to get to.

The Governor of Illinois lives in the Illinois Executive Mansion, but it is more than just his or her home. It is an important part of the state’s history and culture and a historical landmark. The grandeur and elegance of the mansion are a reminder of Illinois’s long history and the important role it has played in making the country what it is today.

In conclusion, anyone who goes to Springfield should visit the Illinois Executive Mansion. Its historical importance and beautiful architecture make it a great place for tourists and people who are interested in history. The mansion has something to offer people who are interested in politics, architecture, or history. When you go to the Illinois Executive Mansion, you can take a step back in time and see how grand Illinois used to be.

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